
Friday, April 30, 2010

Importance of Visualization

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein

The past week I have been reading a book by Jack Canfield called The Success Principles. The concepts in this book are so inspirational and thought-provoking.

There are many encouraging ideas in this book; however, I chose just one I would love to share with others. Jack Canfield discusses the importance of visualization to our success as individuals and suggests we spend at least 20 minutes a day- in peace and quite- with eyes closed- visualizing the life we want. He also stresses how important it is to make these desires specific. See yourself at your ideal body weight, dressed in a way that expresses your personality, working at a job that inspires and excites you, living in your dream home, driving your dream car, and sharing your life with an adoring spouse or partner. The reasoning behind this daily visualization is, subconsciously, you will begin to become this person you aspire to be. If you believe you are confident, unique, and worthy this will shine through to others as well. You will be more outgoing, take more risks, and reach out of your comfort zone to achieve more and more. Believing you have already achieved greatness will encourage you to make the daily choices you need to make to get there! Never be ashamed of wanting a beautiful life. It takes hard work, but you can create it!

"Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone."
— Robert Allen

So, to begin this exercise we are supposed to create a dream board. The dream board should be a collage of images that embody the life you imagine for yourself. Here are some images from my dream board:). If you decide to make one- I would love for you to share it with me. Jack Canfield says it is important to state all your dreams as if they are already reality in order to train your subconscious! So say, "I AM" not "I WILL."

I am in love with and lucky enough to have an amazing relationship with my husband. I aways put him first over all others and appreciate his love.

My dreams in life involve love for my family, finding a career I love and enjoy waking up for every morning, and learning more each and everyday. Let me know if you make a dream board! I would love to see it!